Elliot Murphy

How are basic linguistic computations implemented in the brain? Drawing on recent findings from the biological and cognitive sciences, I will propose a neurocomputational model of language comprehension, with particular reference to syntactic and semantic processing. Reviewing the current state of the art, I will defend a multiplexing model of cross-frequency coupling in language comprehension, […]

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Gramática de Construções

No cenário brasileiro, a abordagem construcionista tem potencializado muitos projetos de investigação linguística e interdisciplinar e, principalmente na última década, vem sendo adotada no desenvolvimento de várias pesquisas a partir de diferentes versões da Gramática de Construções e práticas metodológicas. Neste espaço, pretendemos tratar de resultados de pesquisas empíricas já realizadas ou em curso no […]

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Sociolinguística Histórica no Brasil

A reconstrução da história de uma língua exige procedimentos teórico-metodológicos próprios  para além da aplicação pura e simples de perspectivas teóricas da Linguística Sincrônica. As análises no âmbito da  Sociolinguística Histórica (SH) (HERNÁNDEZ-CAMPOY, 2012), p. ex., enfrentam o desafio de se basearem em fontes documentais do passado constituídas por  textos escritos esparsos que, além de […]

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Andrew Nevins

Take the kinship relations denoted by `brother/mother/father/sister in law’, featuring a morphologically complex item involving derivational processes. Pluralization of such nouns, occurring externally, should yield ‘sister-in-laws’, but an extremely frequent variant is ‘sisters-in-law’. This displaced, internalized inflection involves a morphotactic rearrangement, based on the specific well-formedness principles governing morphology within the word domain. Now consider […]

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A criança e o uso da língua

Esta mesa redonda tem por objetivo tematizar o uso da língua na aquisição da linguagem. Em especial, a fala, a escrita e suas relações serão abordadas com ênfase no emprego da língua na constituição da criança como falante e como escrevente. Dentre os cinco principais “objetos teóricos” (cf. FIORIN, 2008) criados pelos estudos da linguagem […]

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Sharon Stein

In this paper, I consider possible futures of internationalization in the context of today’s many overlapping global crises. I argue that how one conceptualizes these crises will inform distinct approaches to internationalization. I emphasize the generative possibilities offered by a decolonial approach to internationalization, and propose the need to imagine internationalization ‘otherwise’ in the face […]

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Fred Cummins

Language as systematic code is contrasted with languaging, a broader term to include many different kinds of social and affiliative forms of coordination involving voice. The study of language is important to understand contemporary entities like French or Yoruba. However only languaging can inform us about the radical diachronic change that so altered our species. I will introduce joint speech, a term […]

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Australia’s Linguistic Landscape

Australia’s history stretches back at least 60,000 years with ancient settlement by its First Nations Peoples across the vast island country, uninterrupted by further external migration until its colonisation by the British in 1788 and a further explosion of migration from war-torn Europe from the middle 20th century and many other parts of the world […]

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