Microcontact: Language Change In Contact from a Microvariational Perspective
04.11.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)04.11.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
04.11.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)04.11.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Dance Semantics and Extensions to Music
07.11.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)07.11.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
A formação de tradutores: a revisão de traduções com foco no léxico e na terminologia
07.11.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)07.11.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Discurso Antirracista no Brasil
09.11.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)09.11.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
The Signing Brain: What Sign Languages Tell Us about Human Language
11.11.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)11.11.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Modules, Interfaces and their Consequences
14.11.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)14.11.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Relatos de pesquisas e projetos com suas respectivas línguas tradicionais
14.11.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)14.11.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Aquisição da linguagem e constituição do sujeito: aproximações e distanciamentos sob a ótica do “manhês”
16.11.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)16.11.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Morphology-Syntax Interactions In Australian Languages: a Multifaceted Approach
16.11.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)16.11.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
The Perception of Language Varieties: What’s Been Going On?
18.11.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)18.11.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
La migration : une analyse sémio-linguistique
21.11.2020, 4:00 PM (UTC)21.11.2020, 1:00 PM (Local*)
Les formes textuelles : unités et métamorphoses
23.11.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)23.11.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
What adverbs (un)do: A Romance perspective
25.11.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)25.11.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Natural Language Processing with Language in Focus
25.11.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)25.11.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
A construção social de Tempo baseado em eventos
28.11.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)28.11.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
30.11.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)30.11.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)