Pressuposição e Contexto
02.08.2021, 1:00 PM (UTC)02.08.2021, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Diálogos críticos
04.08.2021, 5:00 PM (UTC)04.08.2021, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Phonetic Drift as an Aspect of Lifespan Language Development
04.08.2021, 10:00 PM (UTC)04.08.2021, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Don’t Aim Too High! – ColloConstruction Grammar as a Challenge to Established Convictions and Concepts
07.08.2021, 1:00 PM (UTC)07.08.2021, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Unlocking Prosody: Discovering Structured Variation and Rich Context Effects
11.08.2021, 5:00 PM (UTC)11.08.2021, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Linguagem, ideologia e inconsciente no gesto de análise
11.08.2021, 10:00 PM (UTC)11.08.2021, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Moras Are About Length, Not About Weigth
18.08.2021, 5:00 PM (UTC)18.08.2021, 2:00 PM (Local*)
What Drives Child-Directed Speech?
25.08.2021, 5:00 PM (UTC)25.08.2021, 2:00 PM (Local*)
E as políticas de ensino de línguas no Brasil
28.08.2021, 5:00 PM (UTC)28.08.2021, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Neural Systems Underlying Speech Learning in Adulthood
30.08.2021, 1:00 PM (UTC)30.08.2021, 10:00 AM (Local*)