Terminologia da COVID-19

A mesa-redonda Terminologia da COVID-19 e seus novos termos procura salientar alguns aspectos da terminologia da COVID-19, com ênfase na criação de termos relativos a essa nova doença. Em sua exposição, com o título “COVID-19 y terminología: los candidatos a neónimos que la pandemia nos dejó”, Mario Barité analisa as características da terminologia que surgiu […]

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Elaine J. Francis

What conclusions can we draw from gradient patterns of acceptability judgments about language users’ implicit grammatical knowledge? In this overview talk, I highlight some of the main arguments from my forthcoming book, Gradient Acceptability and Linguistic Theory (Oxford University Press 2022), in the context of previous and ongoing studies from our lab at Purdue and […]

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Gabriella Vigliocco

The ecology of human language is face-to-face interaction, comprising cues, like prosody, co-speech gestures, eyegaze and mouth movements. Yet, the multimodal context is usually stripped away in experiments as dominant paradigms tend to focus on linguistic processing only. Here, I question this dominant paradigm and present initial evidence for why we should consider the multimodal […]

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Navin Viswanathan & Anne Olmstead

Typically, research in speech perception and production has focused on studying individual language users under controlled, yet arguably atypical, settings of language use (the language-as-product framework). While this approach has yielded a rich account of the mechanisms and the time course of basic speech processes, how well these findings generalize to conditions of actual communication […]

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Gary Lupyan

Does language reflect the categories of our mind or does it help create them? On one widespread view learning a language involves mapping words onto pre-existing categories, leaving little room for language to affect the conceptual landscape. Alternatively, many of our concepts — including some that seem very basic — may derive from our experience […]

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Erotilde Goreti Pezatti

Subordinação e coordenação têm sido comumente tratadas como um processo gramatical de conexão de orações, em que pode ocorrer uma relação de equipolência ou de dependência entre as unidades envolvidas. A proposta desta apresentação é mostrar como uma teoria de base discursivo-funcional entende a coordenação e a subordinação, relacionando-as aos níveis e camadas propostas pelo […]

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Léxico, Lexicografia e Aprendizagem

O léxico das línguas sempre suscitou diferentes olhares investigativos. Ora com vistas a descrevê-lo em seus diferentes níveis, ora com foco para o ensino das diferentes unidades léxicas existentes, em seus diferentes sentidos, funções e contextos. Com efeito, estudar o léxico é algo que transcende a “simples” decodificação ou codificação em diferentes cenários, desde os […]

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William O’Grady

Language is one of nature’s most mysterious phenomena. Its workings have eluded scholars for thousands of years, and there is no reason to think that a major breakthrough is at hand. The danger of a deep irony is real: the quest to explain language may lie beyond the reach of the only creatures who are […]

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Susanne Wurmbrand

Although not possible in English, Case, agreement, and A-movement dependencies spanning across finite clause boundaries, such as Hyperraising (to subject or object) or Long-distance agreement (LDA), are found in many languages. An important methodological feature of works on Hyperraising and LDA is the distinction between cross-linguistically restricted true A-dependencies across finite clauses, and generally available […]

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Fonética e suas Interfaces

Nesta mesa-redonda, contamos com a participação de três renomados professores doutores representando diferentes estados do Brasil no que condiz os estudos da Fonética e suas interfaces com a Sociolinguística. Representando o Rio Grande do Sul, a Professora Doutora Elisa Battisti (UFRGS) apresentará sobre o tema “A relevância da inspeção acústica no exame e recorte de […]

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