Andrés Saab
The Syntax and Semantics of Expressives in the Spanish Nominal Domain
Andrés Saab
Andrés Saab
I am an associate researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) and Associate Professor at the University of Buenos Aires. My research focuses on many aspects that connect our syntactic competence to the PF and LF interfaces. In this respect, I conduct theoretical researches on ellipsis, null subjects, copy phenomena, clitics, agreement, DPs, proper names, expressives, etc. I have published part of my research in Linguistic Inquiry, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Probus, Studia Linguistica, Glossa, Lingua, Acta Linguistica Academica, etc. Among other books, I have also published the handbook “Dimensiones del significado. Una introducción a la semántica formal” (SADAF, 2021, with Fernando Carranza) and edited the volume “Slurs and expressivity. Semantics and beyond” (Lexington, 2021, with Eleonora Orlando). I am a co-organizer of the workshop Romania Nova, which focuses on Latin-America Dialectology from a formal point of view.
Francisco Ordóñez
Francisco Ordóñez
Francisco Ordóñez was trained in the study of formal linguistics. His specialization has been the comparative study of the syntax of Spanish, its varieties and other Romance languages such as Catalan, French, Italian and Occitan dialects. His present research involves the study of the syntactic differences of the dialects of Spanish spoken in Latin America and Spain. In 2006 he received a three-year National Science Foundation Grant to study “Stress Patterns with Clitics and Weak Pronominals in Post-Verbal Position in Romance” with Lori Repetti for the amount of $192,000. He also co-founded Romania Nova with Mary Kato of Universidade de Campinas (Brazil). This projects explores varieties of Spanish and Portuguese spoken in Latin America.
Resumo →
Andrés Saab
The Syntax and Semantics of Expressives in the Spanish Nominal Domain
I offer detailed analyses of epithets and other sorts of Spanish expressives with the aim of extracting relevant theses on the very syntactic and semantic nature of the grammar of expressivity. As we will see, a proper analysis of Spanish expressives has large empirical and theoretical consequences regarding the syntax and semantics of predication in the nominal domain, the internal structure of DPs and the way in which is advisable to model expressive contents in the semantics.