Mark Liberman
Clinical Applications of Linguistic Analysis: Opportunities and Challengs
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Mark Liberman
Clinical Applications of Linguistic Analysis: Opportunities and Challengs
We infer a lot from the way someone talks: personal characteristics like age, gender, background, personality; contextual characteristics like mood and attitude towards the interaction; physiological characteristics like fatigue or intoxication. Many clinical diagnostic categories have symptoms that are manifest in spoken interaction: autism spectrum disorder, neurodegenerative disorders, schizophrenia, and so on.⠀ The development of modern speech and language technology makes it possible to create automated methods for diagnostic screening or monitoring. More important is the fact that these diagnostic categories are phenotypically diverse, representing (sometimes apparently discontinuous) regions of complex multidimensional behavioral spaces. We can hope that automated analysis of large relevant datasets will allow us to do better science, and learn what the true latent dimensions of those behavioral spaces are. And we can hope for convenient, inexpensive, and psychometrically reliable ways to estimate the efficacy of treatments.⠀ I’ll present some suggestive preliminary results, and discuss future research opportunities as well as the existing barriers to progress.