Nicola McLelland
Reconceptualizing Language Standardization in an Interconnected and Multilingual World
Nicola McLelland
Nicola McLelland
Nicola McLelland is Professor of German and History of Linguistics at the University of Nottingham. Her interests include the past and present of language standardization, includes how it relates to grammar-writing and lexicography. As part of a four-year AHRC-funded project Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies (2016-2020, www.meits.org_), she co-led the research strand Standard languages, norms and variation: comparative perspectives in multilingual contexts. Her recent publications include Language standards and variation in multilingual contexts: Asian perspectives (2021, co-edited with Hui Zhao, with open access introduction) and Multilingual perspectives on language standards, variation and ideologies, a special issue of Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 42.2. including her open access introductory article, “Language standards, standardisation and standard ideologies in multilingual contexts” pp. 109-124.
Maíra Sueco Maegava Cordula
Maíra Sueco Maegava Cordula
Maíra Sueco Maegava Cordula é Doutora em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa pela Faculdade de Ciências e Letras da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Araraquara, UNESP, FCLAR. Atualmente é coordenadora do Curso Letras: Inglês e Literaturas de Língua Inglesa da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU). Ministra disciplinas de língua inglesa no curso de graduação em Letras: Inglês e Literaturas de Língua Inglesa (presencial) e no Letras: Inglês, na modalidade a distância. É professora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos, orientando trabalhos na linha de pesquisa: Linguagem, Ensino e Sociedade. Atua no programa Rede Andifes-IsF e no programa PROINT (Programa de Formação Acadêmica e Linguística para a internacionalização) na Diretoria de Relações Internacionais da UFU. Tem experiência na área de Linguística, com interesse nos seguintes temas: prosódia, fonética e fonologia, ensino e aprendizagem de línguas, oralidade e escrita, multilinguismo, formação de professores, material didático, avaliação e internacionalização do Ensino Superior.
Resumo →
Nicola McLelland
Reconceptualizing Language Standardization in an Interconnected and Multilingual World
Drawing on Ayres-Beneett’s (2021) outline of models of language standardization, I will present a multidimensional model of language standardization applicable to a wide range of linguistic, historical and cultural contexts. I will highlight the place of multilingualism, often the “elephant in the room” when we talk about language standardization, often conceptualized as taking place in a notionally monolingual context. I will argue that we must consider the multilingual perspective with regard to at least four facets of language standardization: 1. The role of (foreign/second) language learning in promoting language codification; 2. The transmission of language ideologies, including standard language ideology, from one language to another; 3. The relationship of language purism to language standardization; 4. Multilingualism, diaglossia within a single named language, and polycentric standards; Finally, I will briefly consider some case studies of language standardization in Asian contexts, past and present, which may offer new perspectives on language standardization. I will present examples of minority or minoritized languages in Asia, before, finally, comparing the case of Chinese language standardization with that of English, highlighting some significant differences, both in process and ideology.
Ayres-Bennett, W. 2021. Modelling Language Standardization. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Language Standardization – Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics (Cambridge: CUP), 27-64.
McLelland, N. 2021. Grammars, dictionaries and other metalinguistic texts in the context of language standardization. In: Ayres-Bennett, W. and Bellamy, J. (eds): Handbook of Language Standardization CUP, pp. 263-293.
McLelland, N. 2021. Language standards, standardisation and standard ideologies in multilingual contexts. In: Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 42 (2), pp. 109-124.
McLelland, N. and Zhao, H. 2021. Introduction: Language Standards and Variation in Multilingual Contexts – Asian Perspectives. In: (eds): Language Standards and Variation in Multilingual Contexts – Asian Perspectives Mulitlingual Matters, pp. 1-18.