Morfologia da renovação do léxico no português brasileiro e europeu
13.02.2021, 5:00 PM (UTC)13.02.2021, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Contribuições empíricas e teóricas
10.03.2021, 10:00 PM (UTC)10.03.2021, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Estratégias e ações de vitalização
23.01.2021, 5:00 PM (UTC)23.01.2021, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Gender: Sociocultural and Cognitive Perspectives
07.04.2021, 5:00 PM (UTC)07.04.2021, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Beyond the Two-Clause Sentence: Acquisition and Processing of Clause Chains
18.01.2021, 10:00 PM (UTC)18.01.2021, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Focus Movement in the “low” IP area and some of its consequences
25.01.2021, 1:00 PM (UTC)25.01.2021, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Ensino de língua portuguesa, gêneros textuais e variação linguística
09.12.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)09.12.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
How Learning to Read Changes Evolutionary Ancient Visual Abilities
01.02.2021, 1:00 PM (UTC)01.02.2021, 10:00 AM (Local*)
A construção social de Tempo baseado em eventos
28.11.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)28.11.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Morphology-Syntax Interactions In Australian Languages: a Multifaceted Approach
16.11.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)16.11.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)