Thomas Hoffmann

Creativity is an important evolutionary adaptation that allows humans to think original thoughts, to find solutions to problems that have never been encountered before and to fundamentally change the way we live (e.g., Goldberg 2018; Kaufman 2016; Sternberg 1999; Turner 2014). One particular domain of human cognition that has received considerable attention is linguistic creativity […]

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Roland Hausser

The ontology of Database Semantics (DBS) is agent-based data-driven. In contradistinction to the widely used sign-based substitution-driven approaches, DBS distinguishes between the hear, the think, and the think-speak modes. The speak mode is reconstructed as a computational mapping from cognitive content to language-dependent surfaces, the hear mode as a mapping from surfaces to cognitive content. […]

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Sociolinguística e interfaces

Nesta web-mesa, promovido pela Comissão da área de Sociolinguística, visamos refletir sobre possíveis (i) contribuições que a Sociolinguística e a interface Morfossintaxe, Pragmática e Discurso podem ensejar ao ensino e a outros espaços de ação (vozes e escritas) e/ou (ii) debates temáticos do campo da Pragmática e/ou do Discurso que podem colaborar para práticas investigativas […]

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Joan Bybee

While current models of sound change distinguish between an innovation by an individual and its spread through the community (Lindblom 1990, Croft 2000, Stevens and Harrington 2014), I argue in this presentation that within a speech community the forces of imitation (Tomasello 2008), entrainment (Shockley et al. 2007), accommodation (Goldinger 1998, Harrington 2012), and cooperation […]

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Colin Phillips

Speaking and understanding are clearly different tasks, but it is less clear that they are supported by different cognitive mechanisms. In this talk I will argue that they share a great deal in common, and that they differ mostly in what is (un)known to the speaker. This has important implications for the architecture of the […]

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Políticas Linguísticas

Esta mesa-redonda visa discutir a situação linguístico-política dos povos indígenas brasileiros em relação às demais políticas públicas voltadas para esses povos. Considera-se que o reconhecimento da diversidade linguística de povos indígenas é fundamental para que políticas educacionais, de saúde e de acesso à justiça alcancem esses sujeitos. Em atenção à Década Internacional das Línguas Indígenas […]

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Leituras da BNCC

A mesa “Leituras da BNCC: ensino de gramática no currículo nacional e em livros didáticos” pretende dar continuidade ao debate sobre a Base iniciado anteriormente em mesa promovida pela Comissão de Linguística na Educação Básica no âmbito da Série Abralin ao Vivo. Nesta nova mesa, as reflexões sobre a BNCC serão norteadas pelo tópico de […]

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Thomas H Bak

The last decades have seen a paradigm shift in cognitive and neurosciences, with important consequences for our understanding of multilingualism and language learning. The static, modular, localisationist models of the late 20th Century often corresponded to similarly static views of language, determined to a large extent by innate characteristics and early childhood input. In contrast, […]

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Rod Ellis

The study of how people learn languages has a long history but it became an identifiable sub-area of applied linguistics in the 1960s driven by two seminal papers (Corder, 1967; Selinker, 1970), which motivated intensive empirical enquiry. Early research focused on investigating the order and sequence of L2 acquisition, leading into work on variability in […]

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William Idsardi

Time and temporal order are often represented only implicitly in phonological diagrams. In this talk I argue from several perspectives that the basic ordering relation for speech and phonology is <, which does not require temporal contiguity. Several phenomena are analyzed using directed graphs which explicitly represent gappy bigram relations between elements.

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