Patrícia Amaral

Since the seminal work of authors like Frege and Grice it has become apparent that meaning is composite and that our semantic analyses gain from distinguishing different types of content. We have made some progress in understanding distinctions between “what is said” and the ways in which content can be implicated, both conventionally and conversationally. […]

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François Rastier

La problématique logico-grammaticale permet la segmentation du texte, mais un texte ne se laisse pas découper en unités successives, comme les paragraphes d’un document. Les unités textuelles sont des formes sémantiques et expressives qui se profilent sur des fonds sémantiques et expressifs. Du point de vue génétique, ces formes sont le développement de germes structurels. […]

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Sémir Badir

Pour cette conférence, je propose une analyse sémio-linguistique de la migration, telle que celle-ci est thématisée et problématisée dans le discours politique et journalistique européen à l’occasion des exodes récents de population d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient vers l’Europe. L’analyse suit un parcours génératif légèrement remanié au regard de la méthode de la sémiotique narrative. Il […]

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Dennis R. Preston

Putting aside seminal work on the perception of language variety from The Netherlands and Japan, some of the earliest studies of folk perception were carried out on Brazilian Portuguese by researchers from Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state in the country. The approach and methodologies used then have changed considerably in subsequent work, and […]

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Rachel Nordlinger

Australian languages are well-known for using complex morphology to encode syntactic relations. Work on these languages has contributed significantly to our understanding of the relationship between morphology and syntax, and the ways in which languages can distribute meaning and function across these two grammatical domains. A big question for our field is what difference these […]

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Severina Sílvia Maria Oliveira Ferreira

O sujeito é estruturado pela linguagem. Com esta formulação, J. Lacan (1998) apresenta a linguagem como elemento constituinte da subjetividade. No discurso psicanalítico, a linguagem tem muito mais a função de “adquirir” a criança, quer ela queira ou não, do que a criança “adquirir” a linguagem. A linguagem preexiste ao nascimento da criança, e, ao […]

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Linguistas indígenas

Nesta mesa redonda, pesquisadores indígenas apresentam pesquisas atuais versando sobre o estudo de suas respectivas línguas, incluindo suas experiências em projetos de fortalecimento e (re)vitalização linguística. Temas abordados incluem fonologia, morfologia e organização de dicionários, estudos de narrativas tradicionais, e experiências realizadas ou capitaneadas pelas próprias comunidades indígenas para manter as línguas em uso e […]

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Tobias Scheer

The talk shows what a modular architecture of language could look like, what predictions it makes and what consequences it has. The idea that the mind (and the brain) are made of a number of distinct and functionally specialized systems (domain-specificity) is the founding statement of modularity, introduced by Fodor (1983) in modern times (building […]

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Karen Emmorey

Sign languages are understood by the eye rather than by the ear and are produced by the hands rather than by the tongue. Are the same key brain areas involved in producing and comprehending spoken and signed languages? Does the brain distinguish between gesture and sign? Does the biology of linguistic expression affect the brain […]

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Teun A. van Dijk

Em sequência a seus estudos precedentes sobre o discurso racista na Europa, nos Estados Unidos e na América Latina, Teun A. van Dijk põe em foco, neste estudo, a história do discurso contra a escravidão e o racismo, e a favor da abolição e de uma ação afirmativa, no Brasil. Após um capítulo teórico sobre […]

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