Shanti Ulfsbjorninn

This talk will highlight some of the most fundamental facts that are known about representations in symbolic phonology (inc. SPE onwards) and show how getting these right can help uphold a modular feed-forward Y-model of linguistic architecture familiar (but not limited to) Minimalism and Distributed Morphology. There are two primitives of representation, structure/positions and features/content. […]

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Australia’s First Nations Languages

Australia is home to the world’s oldest living cultures. The languages of Australia’s First Nations were formed and shaped continuously over 60 millennia, and massively disrupted by the advent of colonisation 232 years ago. The sounds, grammars, meanings and modes of expression of First Nations languages are understood today by linguists to provide unique insights […]

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Jussara Abraçado

Sempre que pensamos ou falamos sobre situações ou eventos atribuímos-lhes um estatuto na realidade. Assim sendo, uma questão crucial é: como conceptualizamos a realidade? A resposta para essa questão é essencial para a compreensão da categoria de tempo, uma vez que são as predicações temporais que permitem localizar a situação conceptualizada numa área específica da […]

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John Goldsmith

We tend to argue over the answers to theoretical questions, when we certainly should just as often reflect on how we arrived at the questions we ask. The best way to understand where the questions came from is to look at their origins. I’ll look at how leading ideas associated with the Vienna Circle and […]

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Gerda Haßler

Defined narrowly, evidentiality pertains to the sources of knowledge or evidence whereby the speaker feels entitled to make a factual claim. But evidentiality may also be conceived more broadly as both providing epistemic justification and reflecting speaker’s attitude towards the validity of the communicated information, and hearer’s potential acceptability of the information, derived from the […]

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Alastair Pennycook

From Austin (1962) through Silverstein (1985) to Blommaert (2015), the impossible search for the totality of a speech situation has opened up useful ways of expanding what we might need to include, even though we know we can never get there. Moving from Hymes’ (1974) SPEAKING acronym to a remodelled SEMIOSIS framework, this paper will […]

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Marcelo Finger

Nesta palestra, discutiremos a motivação por trás da proposta do projeto SPIRA, que pretende detectar insuficiência respiratória por meio da análise de voz. Este projeto faz parte de um programa de pesquisa com o objetivo de construir recursos linguísticos computacionais para o português, de modo a elevá-lo das fileiras de “linguagens de baixo recurso” e […]

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Maria Marta Pereira Scherre

Retomo no Abralin ao Vivo um tema com o qual me envolvi diretamente a partir de 2018, o Respeito Linguístico, contrapartida positiva do Preconceito Linguístico. Com base em Scherre (a sair em 2020), trago reflexões sobre contribuições da Sociolinguística Variacionista para o fortalecimento do respeito à variação da fala do outro e/ou da própria fala. […]

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Margaret Deuchar

Despite more than 40 years of code-switching (CS) research there is still considerable disagreement on some of the most basic notions on which competing theories depend.  In this talk I will attempt simultaneously to introduce beginners to the field and encourage seasoned CS researchers to questions some of their tacit assumptions. I will do this […]

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Olga Kazakevich

In the lecture I’ll try to give a panorama of autochthonous languages of Siberia and the Russian Far East touching upon their documentation, current functioning, language contacts in the area and the results of these contacts, language shift in some local groups of autochthonous populations. I’ll trace back the starting points and the development of […]

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