Hamida Demirdache

The term ‘distributive numeral’ was introduced into formal linguistics by Gil (1982, 1995) to describe numeral noun phrases indicating that a plurality of individuals or events is distributed with respect to another plurality. On the relational approach advocated by Gill (see also Choe 1987, Zimmermann 2002 a.o.), distributivity is understood as a relation between two […]

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Inbal Arnon

While the world’s languages differ in many respects, they share certain commonalities: these can provide crucial insight on our shared cognition and how it impacts language structure. In this project, we explore the learnability sources and consequences of one of the most striking commonalities across languages: the way word frequencies are distributed. Across languages, words […]

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Andrea Marini

The vast majority of the world’s population speaks at least two languages on a daily basis. This highlights the need for a comprehensive understanding of the cognitive, linguistic, and neurological characteristics of bilingualism. The talk is ideally divided in three sections. The first part will focus on the introduction to the notion of bilingual competence […]

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Nikolaus P. Himmelmann

The hypothesis is proposed that there are universal levels of linguistic structure that are directly derivative of the biological and social infrastructure for communication. Unlike universals of the Greenbergian and Chomskyan type, which typically involve controversial analytical constructs such as ‘subject’ or ‘maximal projection’, the universal layer of linguistic structure targeted here is defined by […]

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Gemma Boleda

It is common for languages to express multiple meanings with the same word, a phenomenon known as “colexification”. For instance, the meanings FINGER and TOE colexify in the word ‘dit’ in Catalan (the word ‘dit’ expresses both meanings), while they do not colexify in English. Colexification has been suggested to follow universal constraints. In particular, […]

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Jeffrey M. Zacks

Human language carves up continuous experience into discrete events. Converging evidence from psychology and neuroscience suggests that the structure of events in language reflects the cognitive representation of events in perception and memory. In this talk, I will advance an account of how events are represented in the mind and brain, and discuss how this […]

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Retórica e Argumentação

Esta mesa tem como objetivo apresentar ao público uma parte da diversidade de perspectivas teórico-metodológicas que constituem o campo de investigação em torno da retórica e da argumentação na contemporaneidade. Para esta oportunidade, as discussões da mesa articulam-se em torno de três arcabouços teóricos construídos originariamente no espaço da academia francófona e que, ao longo […]

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Vinícius Nascimento

A partir de um diálogo entre a perspectiva bakhtiniana de estudos da linguagem, dos estudos da verbo-visualidade e dos estudos da tradução e intepretação da língua de sinais, pretende-se discutir a intersecção estabelecida entre a gesto-visualidade constitutiva das línguas sinalizadas à concretude da situação enunciativa a partir de diferentes gêneros do discurso e suas contribuições […]

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Sociolinguística em diálogo(s)

A partir do texto programático de Weinreich, Labov e Herzog (1968), diversos trabalhos vêm questionando os benefícios e os limites de compatibilizações entre a Teoria da Variação e Mudança e outros modelos teóricos. Os próprios autores sugeriram que o entendimento da variação e da mudança linguística deveria receber contribuições do refinamento teórico de teorias linguísticas […]

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Alícia Duhá Lose

Diversas pesquisas das Ciências Humanas se valem das fontes bibliográficas e documentais sobre as quais lançam seus olhares para analisar desde a materialidade até o conteúdo. Compreender as dimensões e os potencialidades dessas fontes é o primeiro passo para um manancial inesgotável de abordagens. Na conferência aqui proposta trataremos da riqueza e da diversidade de […]

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