Garimpando a fala dos tempos passados: como nasce uma língua?
01.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)01.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
enfoques intragenéticos e intergenéticos
01.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)01.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
A atualidade de Bakhtin: um pensador sobre a humanidade em transformação
01.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)01.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Sign Languages and Linguistics
01.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)01.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Speech as a Health Biomarker
02.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)02.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
02.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)02.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Sobre los orígenes de español de América. Una mirada comunicativa.
02.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)02.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
a conflitualidade emergente em ambiente digital
02.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)02.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Meaning: for Others, and for Ourselves
03.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)03.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
What’s Sociolinguistics Good for?
03.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)03.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
The Explanatory Power of Language Acquisition In UG, Cognitive Science, and the Evolving Notion of Thought
03.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)03.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Adquirindo a Fonologia do Português Brasileiro
03.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)03.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
The ‘Native Monolingual Standard’ In Language Research (and Why It’s a Problem)
05.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)05.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Latin Influence on The Languages of Europe and The Pace of Syntactic Elaboration
05.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)05.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Línguas indígenas, línguas ameaçadas
05.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)05.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
proposta por Marie-Anne Paveau: dos pré-discursos aos tecnodiscursos
05.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)05.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Achievements and Challenges
06.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)06.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Can One Language Be ‘More Complex’ Than Another?
06.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)06.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Emoji as Digital Gesture: Why Internet Linguistics Matters
06.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)06.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Linguistic Efficiency, Information Theory and the Limits of Human Rationality
06.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)06.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Linguistic Marginalia and “Grammars of Use”
07.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)07.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
07.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)07.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Roots in 2020
07.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)07.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Australia Ao Vivo!
07.07.2020, 11:00 PM (UTC)07.07.2020, 8:00 PM (Local*)
Autochthonous Languages of Siberia and the far East: Documentation, Functioning, Language Contacts and Language Shift In Ethno-Local Groups
08.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)08.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
Questioning Assumptions In Code-Switching Research
08.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)08.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Respeito Linguístico: contribuições da Sociolinguística Variacionista
08.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)08.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Detecção de quadros médicos usando modelos neurais de linguagem
08.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)08.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
From Speaking to Semiosis: In Search of Sociolinguistic Comprehensiveness
08.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)08.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Evidentiality In Romance Languages. Explanatory Potential of a Concept and Its Applications In Pragmatics
09.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)09.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Where Did Generative Grammar Come from, Anyway? Rethinking the Origins of Generative Grammar
09.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)09.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Abordagem cognitivista do tempo: o tempo e a concepção da realidade
09.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)09.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Lessons for Linguistics
09.07.2020, 11:00 PM (UTC)09.07.2020, 8:00 PM (Local*)
The Architectural Benefits of Getting Phonological Representations Right
10.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)10.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
The Nature of Compounding
10.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)10.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
no Ensino Fundamental e atividades metalinguísticas: O que escrevem e o que pensam os alunos sobre seus textos?
10.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)10.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
What Adults do to Language and How They Create New Ones
10.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)10.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Semiótica do pouco a pouco
10.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)10.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
The Language(s) of Multilingualism: Atlantic Perspectives on Conceptualising Small-Scale Multilingualisms
11.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)11.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
La Sémantique Argumentative
11.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)11.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
11.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)11.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
No Brasil
11.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)11.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Contatos Linguísticos
11.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)11.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
12.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)12.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Chemins Sémiotiques, entre Linguistique et Anthropologie
12.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)12.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
On the Role of Convergence in Creole Formation
12.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)12.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Reduplicação em português: padrões gerais e modelos de representação
12.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)12.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Sound Patterns In Language: Information, Dynamics, Rules
13.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)13.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
e descrição das línguas africanas no século XXI: Caminhos e perspectivas
13.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)13.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Researching Urban Youth Language and Identity
13.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)13.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
La configuración de espacios dialectales: usos y actitudes
13.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)13.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
The Way Forward
13.07.2020, 11:00 PM (UTC)13.07.2020, 8:00 PM (Local*)
Gender: New Horizons
14.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)14.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
Languages are Shaped by How We Learn Them
14.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)14.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Entre los derechos y las políticas lingüísticas en México. El caso de la institucionalización de la lengua maya de la Península de Yucatán
14.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)14.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Artes ameríndias da palavra
14.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)14.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
14.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)14.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Antiracism Work as Emotional Storm: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Language
15.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)15.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Adaptations, Exaptations and Fossils: Evolutionary Perspectives on Language
15.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)15.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Unproductive Morphology
15.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)15.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
‘What Is the Plural of Mouse?’ and Other Unhelpful Questions for Morphologists
15.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)15.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Revisiter le « Discours Rapporté »: la réflexivité métalangagière au cœur de l’énonciation – enjeux langagiers, linguistiques, discursifs, subjectifs de la Représentation du Discours Autre
16.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)16.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Ensino de gramática em três eixos: uma questão de ciência, cidadania e respeito linguístico
16.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)16.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Fonologia: conquistas e desafios
16.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)16.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
16.07.2020, 11:00 PM (UTC)16.07.2020, 8:00 PM (Local*)
The Importance of Chant: from Language to Languaging
17.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)17.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Internationalization for the End of the World as We Know It
17.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)17.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Resistência indígena
17.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)17.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Fala, escrita e suas relações na aquisição da linguagem
17.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)17.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Tipologia fonológica e medidas de complexidade: ferramentas para a documentação linguística, linguística histórica e areal
18.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)18.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Dialect Microvariation, Kiparsky’s Tiger, and Distributed Morphology
18.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)18.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Caminhos e desafios
18.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)18.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Estabilidade, variação e mudança
18.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)18.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
A Neurocomputational Perspective on Syntax
19.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)19.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
19.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)19.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
O que nos ensinam os estudos sobre a neologia do português brasileiro?
19.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)19.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Implicações para a concepção dialógica de linguagem
19.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)19.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Translation: Enriching Our Understanding of Language Use
20.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)20.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
Faire Texte: os níveis de análise linguística. Do interfrástico ao transfrástico
20.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)20.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Determinantes prosódicos em mudança sintática
20.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)20.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Literatura, Linguística e Ensino
20.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)20.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Whose here and whose there? Double perspective and the grammar of social cognition
20.07.2020, 11:00 PM (UTC)20.07.2020, 8:00 PM (Local*)
El debate social como marco para el análisis del discurso sobre la salud y los procesos migratorios
21.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)21.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
O perigo de uma única língua
21.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)21.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Donkeys Under Discussion
21.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)21.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
21.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)21.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Split Intransitivity and Auxiliary Selection In Italo-Romance: Variation and Lexical-Aspectual Constraints In Synchrony and Diachrony
22.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)22.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
The Voice and Silence of Divinity: A Socio-Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Religious Violence
22.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)22.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Emergent Variation from a Minimalist Perspective: On the Significance of Imperatives
22.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)22.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Aquisição da Linguagem e a Linguística Cognitiva: que competências para o falante não-nativo?
22.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)22.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Sobre o contexto pandêmico
22.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)22.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
A Relevância do Peso Silábico na Fonologia do Português Brasileiro
23.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)23.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
Historical Sociolinguistics In Coleman’s Bathtub: Revisiting The Micro-Macro Link
23.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)23.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Feeling the Irresistible Latin Beat: the Role of the Grammar In Sound Change
23.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)23.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Contact-Induced Change in Ghana-Togo Mountain Languages
23.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)23.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Estudos Contemporâneos
23.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)23.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Have Tonal Languages always been Tonal? Vietic Languages and The Monosyllabisation Process
24.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)24.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
The Exception Proves The Rule? Sociolinguistic Theory In Times of Mobility
24.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)24.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Universal Inefficiency: Different Ways of Violating The 1-Form-1-Meaning Principle, and Their Effects On Communication and Learnability
24.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)24.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
24.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)24.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Restrições linguísticas e sociais
24.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)24.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Prosódia e Aquisição da Linguagem
25.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)25.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
Desafios nas regiões não hegemônicas
25.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)25.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
On Understanding The ‘Paradox’ of Sign Language Morphology
25.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)25.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Global Survey of Revitalization Efforts: Regional Focus and Global Synthesis
25.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)25.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Práticas de escrevivência e processos de resistência
25.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)25.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Categorias vazias e elipse nos limites da sentença na gramática infantil
26.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)26.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
26.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)26.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Endangerment and The Urgent Need for Collaboration
26.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)26.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Rumos de delicadeza e de persuasão: mecanismos de mitigação no discurso interativo em Português Europeu
26.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)26.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
26.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)26.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Aventuras e desventuras do Direito Linguístico na contemporaneidade: fractalidades e pseudo-fractalidades em um campo de pesquisa, gestão e ativismos emergentes
27.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)27.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
Trans-Ing Language and Cognition: Debates and Directions of Translanguaging Research
27.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)27.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Reflexiones en tiempos de pandemia
27.07.2020, 5:30 PM (UTC)27.07.2020, 2:30 PM (Local*)
Cartography and Grammatical Explanation
27.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)27.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Experiências particulares nos Impérios Ibéricos ultramarinos
27.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)27.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Learning, Sharing and Losing Words: Applying Vocabulary Research Findings to Real World Challenges
28.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)28.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
Avanços e caminhos para o ensino da Língua Portuguesa
28.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)28.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
Contemporary Perspectives
28.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)28.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
The Language Organ: Architecture and Development
28.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)28.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Working With Communities at a Distance
28.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)28.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Sociolinguistique historique: de la situation linguistique diachronique à la reconstruction de la personnalité linguistique
29.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)29.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
The Role Of Intentions In Utterance Comprehension
29.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)29.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
29.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)29.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Born to Parse: How Children Invent Variable Properties
29.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)29.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
Linguagem e Universidade como forma de vida
29.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)29.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Postcolonial Pragmatics
30.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)30.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
How Do ‘or’ Constructions Evolve?
30.07.2020, 1:00 PM (UTC)30.07.2020, 10:00 AM (Local*)
American English OKAY Over Time: Challenge and Chance for Interactional Linguistics
30.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)30.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)
Os documentos do PHPB: velhas e novas receitas para ler e aprender com eles
30.07.2020, 8:00 PM (UTC)30.07.2020, 5:00 PM (Local*)
One Model for Learning of Language
30.07.2020, 10:00 PM (UTC)30.07.2020, 7:00 PM (Local*)
Uma plataforma On-Line para corpora digitais anotados de línguas minoritárias e em perigo de extinção
31.07.2020, 11:00 AM (UTC)31.07.2020, 8:00 AM (Local*)
Alfabetização e Letramento: teorias e práticas
31.07.2020, 2:00 PM (UTC)31.07.2020, 11:00 AM (Local*)
Sessão de Encerramento – Abralin ao Vivo – Linguists Online
31.07.2020, 5:00 PM (UTC)31.07.2020, 2:00 PM (Local*)